
little notes.

dear spring:
when are you going to show up?  i'm sick of these random snow storms and being cold.  i can't get into work out mode unless the weather warms up.

dear summer:
you can just come already - i miss my freckles being dark and wearing shorts and sandals.

dear closet:
thank you for being so tidy right now.  glad i took the time yesterday to go through husband and i's clothes and get rid of lots of stuff and de-clutter.  life feels better without the clutter.

dear un-edited photo sessions:
i'll be knocking you out the next couple days.  ready for new sessions coming my way.

dear person we will not name: please grow up.  don't make things harder than they have to be ALL of the time.  it would make all of our lives much more peaceful.

dear nails:
i'll re-paint you today...every nail a different color of glitter.  i'm sorry i've been slacking on nail painting - it's so unlike me.

dear husband:
you forgot your cell phone at home today.  i think you did it on purpose so you could come back home and see me again.  you're cute.  oh and thanks for buying me "hiking" boots this weekend.  i'm excited for our shed hunting adventures to come.

dear home-made recess bars:
you tasted soooo delicious last night.  i think i'll have some of you for breakfast. shh don't tell.

dear monday:
be gentle.  i wasn't ready for you yet.  when am i ever?

(picture above via my shoot with Arica & Andrew.  Arica is so tan and a blonde beauty.  love her california necklace charm.  i'm gonna need to invest in one myself.  check out more at www.wishmakerimages.com)

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing Lindsay and I LOVE your photography.. The end.

    Okay, one more thing. I want Arica's necklace. Where can I get one? I need to be able to represent california where ever I go on a mission.
